- Public channels
- Direct messages
- Autojoin channels on connect
- Userlist
- Joining channels
- Leaving channels
- Changing channel topics
- Receive own messages from another connection
- OTR bridging
- Display GIFs names & urls in text
- Render images as ascii art
- SSL on IRC side
cargo build --release
The binary will be in ./target/release/croquette
Run the proxy somewhere (ideally in your local machine), giving it a local listen address and a target server: ./croquette rocket.example.com
Acquire an authentication token from Rocket, by going into the "My Account" page, "Personal Access Tokens", and issuing a new token. Configure your IRC client to use this token as a connection password.
Multiple people can use the bridge at the same time, with different credentials. This is why the token needs to be provided by the client on each connection.