This is a basic API for mocking the needs of the buyer frontend which doesn't itself need a backend (except sales, but that is another project). It should be replaced by several more complete APIs: Products, Storage, Users, etc.

The API could have been mocked in the front end application, but this way enables to show some of what the back end could look like.


  • Ruby version 2.5.1

  • System dependencies Postgis Postgres

  • Configuration Update config/database.yml with your credentials. In MacOS, add you system username to "username"

Install gems bundle install

  • Database creation rake db:create rake db:migrate

  • Database initialization Run rake db:seed for example data

  • How to run the test suite run rspec

  • Deployment instructions Execute rails server by running rails s

Products list is available in http://localhost:3000/api/products.json

Stockrooms list is available in http://localhost:3000/api/stockrooms.json