Reinforcement Learning Solutions To Openai Gym Problems:


Create new virtual environment, activate and install requirements:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --update pip
pip install -r requirements

Running Examples:

This repo uses click as a command line interface to reinforcment algorithms written on top of TensorFlow.

To see pretrained examples use python example. The options are --target, --algorithm and --num_steps. target refers to the openai gym environment. Choices are cart-pole and luner-lander. Algorithm is the algorithm used to train the solution, choices are pg for Policy Gradient, dqn for Deep Q Network and ac for Actor Critic. --num_steps is just the number of iterations of the trained example solution we run.


python example --target='luner-lander' --algorithm='pg'


  • evo is experimental and I'm not sure it should be technically classed as an evolutionary algorithm.


  • Add policy delay to TD3