- 2
#44 opened by KrizalidTheRed - 0
Status of the project
#43 opened by equal-l2 - 1
Compiling with C++
#35 opened by als123 - 9
Fails to open `screen` terminfo
#40 opened by leonerd - 7
TERMINFO env variable
#36 opened by als123 - 2
support netbsd-curses terminfo format
#25 opened by mauke - 2
Can't load ansi from memory
#33 opened by mhinz - 2
Hashed DB terminfo support / FreeBSD
#26 opened by novel - 4
Can't load xterm-256color since ncurses 6.1
#30 opened by yan12125 - 1
crash produced by neovim with st-256color
#32 opened by ganwell - 16
unibilium crashes neovim in st (simple terminal) from ncurses-6.0_p20171125-r0 on
#31 opened by ganwell - 1
Warnings while compiling with clang5
#28 opened by concatime - 1
Build failure in flatpak
#29 opened - 0
- 6
#22 opened by Nudin - 1
Build failure re: fsanitize
#20 opened by joshuamcginnis - 6
Unibilium fails in Konsole?
#19 opened by mgajda - 1
#13 opened by fwalch - 3
Assertion error with terminfo 1.616
#24 opened by lbschenkel - 4
use of unsupported parameters make unibilium crash
#21 opened by teto - 3
extalllen and extstrslen vs extofflen
#17 opened by nhooyr - 0
unibi_run segfault
#14 opened by zachariahreed - 2
License clarification for tools/
#9 opened by jamessan - 5
Can't find terminfo entries on OSX
#6 opened by tarruda - 0
Integrate sparchways
#2 opened by mauke