
A string to SimpleExpression tree parser for Simple.Data.SqlServer

Primary LanguageC#


A string to SimpleExpression tree parser for Simple.Data.SqlServer


string A = "(ID == 1 || ID > 100) && (Name == "Eugene Alfonso" || Name == "Dave Nicolas" || StartDate > 1/1/2011)"

1st stage: "(E1||E2)&&(E3||E4||E5)" 2nd stage: "E6&&E8" 3rd stage: "E9"

SimpleExpressions: E1: ID==1 E2: ID>100 E3: Name=="Eugene Alfonso" E4: Name=="Dave Nicolas" E5: StartDate>1/1/2011 E6: E1||E2 E7: E3||E4 E8: E7||E5 E9: E6&&E8

How to use:

Check out EA.Expresser.Nancy for an example building a REST API on top of your database in 4 lines of code