ETL using Airflow


Python 3.x.x
Apache Airflow 2.x.x
Database (MySQL and PostgreMySQL locally)
Ubuntu (OS)


Human Resource Dataset (Database in MySQL)
Chinook Dataset (Database in PostgreSQL)

Installation Airflow

Install Ubuntu in Windows

Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux
Go to Microsoft Store, download and then install Ubuntu

Update python pip

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Install the Airflow

sudo pip3 install apache-airflow
airflow users create — role Admin — username admin — email admin — firstname admin — lastname admin — password admin
airflow db init
airflow webserver -p 8080
airflow scheduler

After you succed the installation, now your airflow webserver is ready, you can access your airflow GUI from browser in http://localhost:8080/

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a list of task that we want to execute, DAG are located in 'airflow/dags' folder, if you cannot found any 'dags' folder there, try create a new folder named 'dags' inside your airflow directory

  1. Set up the connection from Airflow(reference:

  2. Try testing dag with specific task, with this command:

    # command layout: airflow tasks test [DAG_ID] [TASK_ID] [EXECUTION_DATE]
    # example:
    airflow tasks test DAG-1 mysql_extract 2021-10-30
  3. If you cannnot run it, try changing the permission of it, as example my '' that has been in 'dags' folder.

    cd dags
    chmod 777



Human Resource Dataset

Getting insight from employees that diverse across locations, regions and need to know whether the employee got enough salary based on their job or not. SQL query in (sql/hr_check_employee.sql)

Chinook Sales

Getting insight about what artist their customer love the most and what albums are their favorite. SQL query in (sql/dwh_sales.sql)
