一个 page 维护一个 state store 和一个 view tree,它俩都是该 page 所维护的数据。 通过 event 来改变 page 所维护的数据,比如改变一个 key state,或一个 key view map。 event 也可以从远端获取数据。



也就是 page. 1 个 page 维护一个树结构 subviews。发出 views event 会改变 subviews。

export type Mono = {
  type?: PageType;
  to?: To;
  state?: KeyPageState;
  subviews?: Subview[];
  event?: KeyPageEvents;
  onValue?: OnValueTask[];


Each page could has 1 state map.

type KeyPageState = Record<string, PageState>;


A reserved state, used for navigation and tab control.

type To = {
  value: string[];
  onValue?: OnValueTask[];


To store a state on a page. All tasks in the array would be called when value assigned.

type PageState = {
  value: unknown;
  onValue: OnValueTask[];


An object linked to another object which bring a value. This kind of object has OnValueTask.

Object Receive
Mono receive value from parent Mono
PageState receive value from state PageEvent
fetch PageEvent receive value from itself
  • keyPath is used to parse the received value.
  • type is used to force convert the parsed value to a certain type.
  • from is used to replace all value equal to from in event.
  • map is a 2 * 2 number array, and is used to map value base on it. Not support string mapping now.
  • event is an array, all events in event will be called.
type OnValueTask = {
  keyPath?: string[];
  type?: 'number' | 'string';
  from?: string;
  event?: PageEvent[];
  map?: number[][];


An event is change state and view, or fetch value.

type Event = ToEvent | StateEvent | FetchEvent | ViewEvent;


Event that switch tab or change navigation.

type ToEvent = {
  task: 'to';
  type?: 'push' | 'pop' | 'dismiss' | 'select';
  key?: string;


Event that change value of a state.

type StateEvent = {
  task: 'state';
  parent?: boolean;
  key: string;
  value?: unknown;
  type?: 'push' | 'pop' | 'add' | 'subtract' | 'multiply' | 'divide' | 'mod';


Event that fetch value.

type FetchEvent = {
  task: 'fetch';
  url?: string;
  method?: 'get' | 'set';
  app?: {
    key: string;
    secret: string;
  user?: {
    key: string;
    secret: string;
  onValue?: OnValueTask[];


Event that change view tree.

type ViewEvent = {
  task: 'views';
  // 这里的unknown其实是Subview,是不是叫做keySubview更好?但由于里面可以有from,没法直接写Subview
  value?: Record<string, unknown>;
  duration?: number;
type Event = ToEvent | StateEvent | FetchEvent | ViewEvent;