Hacker News clone

Hacker News is a site where nerds post links to articles, vote on which ones they like best, and discuss the articles with comments. Let’s make a simplified version of Hacker News.

Once again, don’t worry about users logging in yet - we’ll get to that very soon!

To begin, familiarize yourself with FactoryGirl and Capybara. We are using them for the first time and it may be overwhelming, but just take your time.

Here are your stories:

As a user, I want to post a link, so that I can share it with other nerds. As a user, I want to vote up other people’s links, so that I can promote links that I like. As a user, I want the links with the most votes to be listed first, so that I can know what’s most popular. As a user, I want the link ranking to be a function of both the number of votes and the time since the post, so that popular links don’t stay on the homepage forever. Hint: come up with a way to score links where they get a certain number of points for how new they are, and a certain number for how many votes they have. Don’t spend too much time fussing with the algorithm - just make up something simple. As a user, I want to comment on a link, so that I can have a discussion about the article that was submitted. As a user, I want to comment on a comment, so that I can have a discussion about the comment. Hint: use polymorphism so that a comment can belong to a post or to another comment. Your associations will look something like this: class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable


class Link < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :comments, :as => :commentable

end To display comments on comments, make each comment a partial. For each comment, loop through the comments on the comment, recursively rendering partial within itself.