
Project Submission for SWE Hacks '22

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Figma Landing page for customers
Shop Local 🛒

What this project was created for 🏪

This is a project that I created on my own for submission to SWE Hacks '22 hosted by UW SWE. The overall theme was to create a project based on the idea that working together is how progress is actually made. Their tracks are focused on issues that have arisen due to the pandemic.

Inspiration 💡

Covid restrictions around the world are finally being eased back enough that people are trying to resume the lives that they had before Covid. A major change though is that while the people moved towards doing many things virtually, local businesses also started to change to accommodate these new changes. Many people who try to go to their favorite shops now have to adjust and figure out which of their favorite shops are still in business, their new business hours, guidelines on how they're following current COVID restrictions, etc. This site is meant to bridge the information gap between operating businesses and their local community and put it all into one single database.

What this does 🗃️

Businesses are able to create a page for their shop and post updates when anything changes.
Customers have the ability to only search up businesses and view the information on their pages.

How it was built 🔧

I first designed the site on Figma then worked on recreating it with HTML and CSS in Visual Studio Code.

Challenges ⛰️

I had some difficulty managing my time as I was also dealing with midterm deadlines and family obligations.

What was learned 🧠

I learned how to be make components in Figma more interactive and created a search bar that users can actually type into.

What's Next? ⏭️

I hope to be able to create this site to be working well enough so I can use this to help out the businesses in my community.

Links to check out 🔗