
Object Oriented Wrapper of Github API

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Made By Teamed.io DevOps By Rultor.com

Build Status Build status Maven Central

More details are here: github.jcabi.com. Also, read this blog post: Object-Oriented Github API.

Set of classes in com.jcabi.github package is an object oriented API of Github:

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Github github = new RtGithub(".. your OAuth token ..");
    Repo repo = github.repos().get(
        new Coordinates.Simple("jcabi/jcabi-github")
    Issue issue = repo.issues().create("How are you?", "Please tell me...");
    issue.comments().post("My first comment!");

We also provide MkGithub, a mock version of Github server, which you can use in unit tests, for example:

public class FooTest {
  public void submitsCommentToGithubIssue() {
    final Repo repo = new MkGithub().repos().create(
      Json.createObjectBuilder().add("name", "test").build()
    final Issue issue = repo.issues().create("how are you?", "");
    new Foo(issue).doSomething(); // should post a message to the issue


If you have any questions about the framework, or something doesn't work as expected, please submit an issue here.

How to contribute?

Fork the repository, make changes, submit a pull request. We promise to review your changes same day and apply to the master branch, if they look correct.

Please run Maven (3.1 or higher!) build before submitting a pull request:

$ mvn clean install -Pqulice

There are many integration tests that check our classes against live Github accounts. In order to run them, you should create a new Github OAuth access token (how?), and provide it in command line, like this:

$ mvn clean install -Dit.test=RtGistITCase -Dfailsafe.github.key=<token> -Dfailsafe.github.repo=<repo>

Replace <token> with the OAuth access token, and <repo> with the name of repository you create in your account (for test purposes only), for example yegor256/test. The failsafe.github.key should have permissions in failsafe.github.repo to all scopes needed by the integration test suite you want to run. Please note that different integration tests may need keys with permissions to different scopes; the RtGistITCase test requires permissions to gist scope. RtForksITCase requires additional parameter -Dfailsafe.github.organization= where is an organization name to fork test github repository.

In order to run static analysis checks only use this:

$ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dinvoker.skip=true -Pqulice