
This repo collects benchmarks for the different dbus implementations available in rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

What is this

This repo tries to give an overview over the landscape of the the different dbus implementations that exists in the rust ecosystem. The parameter I care about is executable size when using the library.

  1. https://github.com/KillingSpark/rustbus
  2. https://github.com/diwic/dbus-rs/ (bindings to C library)
  3. https://github.com/diwic/dbus-rs/tree/master/dbus-native
  4. https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/zeenix/zbus/
  5. https://github.com/Arnavion/dbus-pure
  6. https://github.com/srwalter/dbus-bytestream
  7. https://github.com/LinkTed/dbus-message-parser
  8. https://github.com/cmaves/async-rustbus

Adapted from timing benchmarks: https://github.com/KillingSpark/rust-dbus-comparisons

The benchmarks

The dbus-message-parser does not provide any means of sending messages, so the result for it is pretty interesting.

Current results

I used rust 1.64.0 to run these benchmarks.

Library release with send debug release, marshal only
dbus-native 356K 6,4M 312K
rustbus-async 756K 35M 348K
zvariant 728K 21M 428K
dbus-message-parser 484K 8,9M 352K
dbus-bytestream 352K 6,5M 336K
dbus-pure 312K 18M 344K
rustbus 484K 11M 332K
dbus-rs 416K 9,3M 308K

Why the hell did dbus-mesage-parser's size shoot up so much when adding sending?
dbus-native didn't, as expected, since everything is done inside C library.
dbus-pure shrank?

This benchmark was created to justify my prejudice against zbus and rust async ecosystem as a whole, and that was a success, their results are undeniably bad. Other than that, it's uncertain.