
path problems

UN5T48L3 opened this issue · 15 comments

Hello bro,
I am facing this errors since last day. I am pretty ocb about to fix it today. Could you help me?

ekran resmi 2018-07-03 20 06 52
ekran resmi 2018-07-03 19 58 32
ekran resmi 2018-07-03 19 57 49

ekran resmi 2018-07-03 20 21 35
and this is another problem

when I run make deps
ekran resmi 2018-07-03 20 34 46

when I run make -e GOOS=windows
ekran resmi 2018-07-03 20 36 26

As described in #37, you MUST export an environment variable named GOBIN, and append it to your PATH variable in order to use go getted binaries.
Add the following to one of your shell's startup files (.profile, .bashrc, etc)

export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin

Then reload your shell by issuing the source command or reopen another shell for this changes to take effect. After this glide and go-bindata will be available to be called globally.

If you choose the docker build, you don't need to install these tools, you only need docker itself.

I appreciate that your answer
and can we make new exe file with same commands?
I mean is this true?
./ make -e GOOS=windows

@UN5T48L3 Yes 😄

so now;
do you have any idea?
ekran resmi 2018-07-03 23 52 42

@UN5T48L3 Sorry, I forgot the export 😅


I tried GOOS = windows make after I tried no encrypted files
do you have to run the docker first before creating a binnary file

screenshot from 2018-08-31 06-52-24

@Gembeltz If you choose the docker installation then you should install docker first. Otherwise stick with the manual steps.

@mauri870 how to build with tor

Please follow the guide in the README to setup the project using ngrok and Tor.

screenshot from 2018-09-13 11-43-46
is there something wrong to build tor

screenshot 2018-12-17 14 04 17
error make deps @mauri870