- 0
Unlocker not working
#48 opened by brunolopes446 - 0
#47 opened by VAP305 - 15
path problems
#39 opened by UN5T48L3 - 8
different dns
#41 opened by UN5T48L3 - 5
GOOS=windows make error
#45 opened by Gembeltz - 15
Files not encrypting
#15 opened by saranindia - 1
- 1
Beginner Question
#43 opened by Peter-an - 0
Write to all users on the system?
#44 opened by youngxadin - 0
generate_cert.go not found
#40 opened by swenilton - 1
Files damaged please help !
#36 opened by Metasploiter - 4
no Go files in ( Error )
#37 opened by kalhori124 - 1
Please update the installation document
#38 opened by kalhori124 - 2
GOOS=windows make error
#26 opened by ozgursevgi - 21
Tor static link and cross compilation
#3 opened by mauri870 - 1
- 0
Need help
#35 opened by 73CH9ICH13F - 1
command not found
#32 opened by 73CH9ICH13F - 1
- 7
- 0
How to disable server
#30 opened by ozgursevgi - 0
- 1
make: rsrc: Command not found
#28 opened by ozgursevgi - 3
Error with echo while "make".
#27 opened by john323130 - 0
- 1
- 2
Error public.pem
#22 opened by juniorkalvin7 - 0
How Can This Error be Fix
#23 opened by klogHacks - 13
Help Me Sir
#20 opened by MRxC0DER - 1
Well done - but failes in build
#21 opened by david-bla - 3
Tor support and other features.
#2 opened - 22
Scan Sub directories and Drives.
#11 opened by justuandme - 14
help me! make error
#18 opened by redpeony - 2
Files not encrypting & server side error
#17 opened by kiwoon - 2
Access Denied
#19 opened by max0451 - 6
- 1
Unable to find encryption key
#16 opened by mysecurecode - 6
Ignore already infected victim
#4 opened by mauri870 - 0
List of encrypted files
#9 opened by mauri870 - 8
Custom Paths and Extensions
#8 opened by justuandme - 1