Custom Paths and Extensions
justuandme opened this issue · 8 comments
where can i define custom extensions and custom paths ?
i have tried this in win 7 vm. it encrypts some csv files on c and pictures on c drive.
but it didn't create any html file on desktop.
You can enable the console mode to see the log information. For that remove the -H windowsgui
from te go build
command on Makefile before build.
Note: Update the project with
go get -u
at least once a day
Custom paths and extensions can be specified on this file
It can take a while depending on the amount of files that you have because are only 2 workers encrypting files in parallel by default
Please update the project and if not work again, enable the log and post it here.
Thanks for your report, cheers
i just downloaded this today. let me configure and run another test from scratch.
i will post details here soon.
PS : how to make the ransomware.exe work on 32 bit windows ?
how to make the ransomware.exe work on 32 bit windows ?
its showing error on running x86 32bit win7 VM.
Oh, good question. I've missed that
I will open a PR to compile for x86 by default. For now you can use env GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 make
ok now the files are encrypted on windows and on server side it sends these keys. in database.db file.
On desktop HTML.
on server side logs.
[negroni] Started POST /api/keys/add
[negroni] Completed 204 No Content in 14.478254ms
now which key is use to unlock the files ? after running unlocker.
Alright i used this key to decrypt it : 338acca6e104d8b52ac5886d34271c67
and it works... contents are decrypted now.
nice program.... but one question.
what are these number ?
You can get your encryption key pointing to http://server-address/api/keys/:id
, where :id is your identification key stored on the file on desktop
I use buntdb for store the keys, so this numbers must be referent to db indexes I guess
Alright great ! thanks