
This is my personal portfolio website to showcase some projects and to provide some information about me.

mauricebauer.de - Portfolio website

GitHub Workflow Status (branch) GitHub deployments

This is my portfolio website to provide information about me. This project uses the static page builder Hugo and follows the Git-Flow.


If you find a mistake on the page, please let me know either via e-mail or create an issue here on this repository. Also feel free to open a pull-request.

Development server

# Make sure to update the theme Git-Submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --remote --merge

# Start live server with "development"-environment
hugo server -D

Build production version

# Make sure to update the theme Git-Submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --remote --merge

# Build production-ready minified version of the website
hugo --minify