
A full stack, MVC (Model-View-Controller) application that allows User to create burgers (POST), view a list of burgers available to eat (GET), devour burgers (PUT), and throw them away after devoured (DELETE).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A full stack, MVC (Model-View-Controller) application that allows you to create burgers (POST), view a list of burgers available to eat (GET), devour burgers (PUT), and throw them away after devoured (DELETE).

GitHub license GitHub top language

Table of contents

About This Project

his project is a full stack application that allows you to place an order for a burger. When you place an order, the burger you enter in the form field is added to the list of burgers on the left side of the screen. Each burger in the list has a Icon Eat button. Clicking this button moves the burger from the list on the left side of the screen to the list on the right. The list on the right is a list of burgers that have already been devoured. Each burger in this list has a Delete button that allows you to remove the burger, which deletes the burger from the user interface as well as from the MySQL database....


Welcome page

Burgers Ordered

Devoured burgers

Technologie Used

  1. Frontend technologies
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Handlebars
  1. Backend technologies
  • Node.js
  • MySQL
  • Express
  • ORM - Object Relational Mapping

Futur improvements

  • Allow users to identify themselves By adding name intput
  • Allow users to be able to modifiy his command after submit it.
  • work on Responsive design.

Useful resources
