calendar application that allows the user to save events for each hour of the day.
The Work Day Scheduler is an application that allow user to schedule his daily work plan. In fact user will be able to set the schedule according to the time , it can be a meeting, a lunch or a special appointment.
The web application has 3 essentials parts :
- the time
- the Description text content
- the save buttton regarding the time user wantsto put a schedule name, he will just need to enter the description and clic save button. After refreshing the page the description will stay there until the user decides o delete it. Also user can add more than one schedule daily. the application has diffent colors according to the time qualification( past , pesent, future) to give more visiblility to the user.
- Interface AND DESIGN : html ,Css, Bootstrap
- Interaction : JavaScipt
- Library :Jquery , Moment
- youtube Tutoring how to use Moment :
- Query Syntax :