
This tool runs scripts and display the result in a Web Interface.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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This tool run scripts and display the result in a Web Interface (a little presentation is available here and on my github.io).


Create a safe, secure and easy way to share CLI (console) scripts and scripting environnments with your team or people without IT knowledge.

  • Secure
    • SAST - Static Application Security Testing (wiki) using bandit, semgrep, CodeQL and Pycharm Security.
    • DAST - Dynamic Application Security Testing (wiki) using ZAP (Baseline && full scan), nuclei and some Kali Linux tools.
    • Web pentest (wiki) using Kali Linux Web tools and my little experience in Web Hacking. Tools are skipfish, nikto, dirb and whatweb.
    • Hardening(wiki), the WebScripts installation is pre-hardened, an audit is performed at the launch of the WebScripts server and reports are generated. Defaults/examples HTML reports:
    • File integrity checks(wiki), the WebScripts server implements a daemon thread to check file integrity hourly.
    • Logs with centralization (using Syslog on Linux and Event Viewer on Windows), some levels and differents files for easiest supervision, controls and investigations
    • Easy to update and patch security issues on Linux (critical functions are implemented in Standard Library and are updated with your system) (WebScripts does not require any python external package)
    • Easy to deploy securely (with docker or on your Linux system with Apache and UWSGI or NGINX as reverse proxy)
    • Easy to configure securely (read the documentation) (wiki), hardening checks and reports for unsecure configurations
    • Unittest - 99% Code Coverage (2104/2108 lines) (wiki), tests with python3.8 - python3.12
    • Javascript parser and formatter for text, json and csv content type (XSS protection)
    • XSS active protection for html content type based on user inputs analysis and script outputs
  • Customizable
  • Highly configurable and scalable with a python module system (wiki) and configurations
  • Pre-installed and configured scripts and modules (user and authentication, secure file sharing with permissions, error pages with requests to administrator system, temporary and secure password share, logs viewer and analyser)


Demo WebScripts - Youtube

Demonstration of WebScripts use - Youtube video


This package require:

  • python3
  • python3 Standard Library

Optional on Windows:

  • pywin32 (to centralize logs in Event Viewer)


python3 -m venv WebScripts        # Make a virtual environment for WebScripts
source WebScripts/bin/activate    # Activate your virtual environment
sudo WebScripts/bin/python3 -m pip install --use-pep517 WebScripts --install-option "--admin-password=<your password>" --install-option "--owner=<owner>" --install-option "--directory=<directory>"     # Install WebScripts using setup.py with pip
sudo WebScripts/bin/python3 -m WebScripts.harden -p '<my admin password>' -o '<my webscripts user>' -d 'WebScripts/'  # Harden default configurations
cd WebScripts                     # Use your virtual environment to start WebScripts
WebScripts                        # Start WebScripts server for demonstration (for production see deployment documentation)

Basic Usages

Command line

python3 -m WebScripts

WebScripts --help
WebScripts -h # Print help message and command line options

WebScripts --interface "" --port 80
WebScripts -i "" -p 80 # Change interface and port

# /!\ do not use the --debug option on the production environment
WebScripts --debug
WebScripts -d # Print informations about server configuration in errors pages (404 and 500)

# /!\ do not use the --security option on the production environment
WebScripts --security
WebScripts -s # Do not use HTTP security headers (for debugging)

WebScripts --accept-unauthenticated-user --accept-unknow-user
# Accept unauthenticated user

Python script

import WebScripts
from WebScripts import Configuration, Server, main
from wsgiref import simple_server

config = Configuration()
    scripts_path = [
    json_scripts_config = [
    ini_scripts_config = [
    documentations_path = [
    js_path = [
    statics_path = [

server = Server(config)
httpd = simple_server.make_server(server.interface, server.port, server.app)



git clone https://github.com/mauricelambert/WebScripts.git
cd WebScripts
python3.8 WebScripts/scripts/to_3.8/to_3.8.py
python3.8 setup38.py install
python3.8 -m WebScripts38
# Launch this commands line:
#   - git clone https://github.com/mauricelambert/WebScripts.git
#   - cd WebScripts
#   - python3.8 WebScripts/scripts/to_3.8/to_3.8.py
#   - python3.8 setup38.py install
# And use the package:

import WebScripts38




Index page (dark) Index page (dark) Text script (dark) Text script (dark) HTML script (light) HTML script (light)


Licensed under the GPL, version 3.