
CAS FEE 2017 Projektarbeit 2

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT



CAS FEE 2017 Projektarbeit 2

birthhood is an angular application which allows the pregnant female user to find a suitable birth place for giving birth. The birthplaces are rated by best practice experience guidelines and give an overview around 5 main birth experience criteria (umgebung, …).

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Clone the master branch to your desired folder. This project requires node and npm installed

git clone https://github.com/mauricenaef/birthhood.git

Setting up the backend

birthhoods backend is based on google firebase firestore. If you would like to run the application, you need to have a corresponding firebase account and project set up. Make sure to enable login with email and password for your firebase project.

To set up the app for your firebase backend, amend the src/environments/environment*.ts file accordingly (firebase project as well as service-key).

To set up your firebase project with the needed firebase functions and security rules, run

firebase deploy

To initialize your firebase backend with some sample data, follow these steps:

  1. configure your firebase-account and project in utils/firebase_uploader.js
  2. configure your google-maps key in utils/firebase_uploader.js

cd into utils and run

node firebase_uploader.js


Make sure you are cd into the main project folder and install npm packages

npm install

Once done, serve the application

cd birthhood-app 
ng serve

Your application should now be running under http://localhost:4200/


Further configuration of the application can be set in src/app/config/

Features of the app

All users

  • Geolocate user
  • Browse birthplaces on the map
  • Search birthplace with live search
  • Interact with carousel
  • View birthplace details

Logged in users only

  • Sign up
  • Log in with credentials
  • Reset password
  • Add new birthexperience
  • Delete own birthexperience

Upcoming features

  • Social login
  • Add name on sign up
  • Edit profile
  • Sign up for birthplace owners
  • Edit for birthplace owners

Running unit tests

Unit test done with Karma and Jasmine

cd birthhood-app
ng test

User testing

Extensive user testing with the invision Prototype has been done. Pictures are located in the assets/User Testing Proof Folder


The LIVE Styleguide is available under birthood styleguide and is created with comment notes in the respective SCSS files. The styleguide follows Atomic Design Rules Atomic Design. The styleguide is sectioned into following parts:

  • Nuclides (All colors and font rules go here)
  • Atoms (Basic building blocks)
  • Molecules (Combination of atoms)
  • Structures (Combination of molecules)

Styleguide depends on the apps final CSS file to display all designs. To generate and deploy the styleguide from start to end follow these steps:

Create complete-styles.css

cd birthhood-app
gulp sass    

Generate local styleguide in static folder

cd birthhood-app

Deploy to firebase to subdomain

cd static
firebase deploy    


For live deployment to firebase and birthhod.org

First build the production folder to deploy from with the AOT compilation

cd birthhood-app
ng build --aot --prod

Then upload files to server

cd birthhood-app
firebase deploy --only hosting

Alternatively you can serve the AOT build using node.js. To do so, run

node server.js

Your AOT build will now be running on http://localhost:3000/

Built With

Additional things



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Hat tip to Andrea Glauser for providing the initial data and inspiration to the project
  • Thanks to all the guys at SO for having had the same issues we had