
Simple django template app for developing backend services

Primary LanguagePython

To run locally

Setup the .env credentials file by copying the .env.example file to .env and filling in the values (the defaults are probably correct if you haven't changes anything).

If docker-compose is installed, docker-compose -f .postgres/postgres-docker-compose.yml up -d can be run to have an instance of postgres up and running.

Using poetry to install dependencies

Run poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true to save the virtual python enviroment Run poetry install to install the dependencies If using VsCode, now is the time to select the interpreter from the .venv folder generated by poetry

With the activated environment

python manage.py migrate to run migrations python manage.py runserver to run the server

Without the activated environment

poetry run manage.py migrate to run migrations poetry run manage.py runserver to run the server

To run with docker

Replace Docker file with DockerfileDev, and run docker-compose up

To run tests

python manage.py test