
Travis CI Build Failure

AntoniosBarotsis opened this issue · 4 comments

This Travis CI build fails with the following error:

[ERROR] /home/travis/build/AntoniosBarotsis/ck/src/main/java/com/github/mauricioaniche/ck/[105,63] cannot access org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin
  bad class file: /home/travis/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/platform/org.eclipse.core.runtime/3.24.0/org.eclipse.core.runtime-3.24.0.jar(org/eclipse/core/runtime/Plugin.class)
    class file has wrong version 55.0, should be 52.0
    Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.

Raw logs can be found here.

This fails due to the project using Java 8, switching the version to 11 or above fixes the issue. I was personally using a higher version and did not notice the build failure.

I can't find information on the Maven repository or their website on which version of Java each version was compiled with.

Actually upon further inspection this might be the issue, I'll verify when I get home. Alternatively we could up the Java version to 11

Ok that does not seem to solve it for me so perhaps we should upgrade to Jdk 11 then. Changing this line to oraclejdk11 should fix the pipeline.

Just made github actions to work. Build should be passing now (although codecov is breaking for reasons that I don't get).