
Python Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi (Diagram)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi (Diagram)

  • Hello Thank you for your interest in this small piece of code. GDAL has evolved a lot in the past years so now it's pretty easy to implement a Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi Diagram, unlike when I was pursuing my Masters Degree. So here it is.

  • Requirements:

  • Usage:
    python pymwv.py ogrDataSource SitesLayerName WeightAttribute OutpuLayerName

The program will create a new layer on the same ogrDataSource. I hope that this piece of code will be usefull for you.

  • Example:
    unzip test_data.zip
    python pymwv.py ./test_data test_data weight out_data