
Neovim plugin to help with inlined Ansible vault variables

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status

Ansible Vault Nvim Plugin

A plugin to help with inlined ansible-vault variables.

Not ready for production.

This is currently a toy project. It has the following caveats:

  • It insecurely stores the decrypted data in the /tmp directory to show it from the location list
  • Doesn't support different vault ids


pip3 install ansible pynvim

To install:

Plug 'mauriciofierrom/ansible-vault-nvim', { 'do' : ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }

How to use:

  • We currently support only password files and treat it as the default vault-id. Set let g:ansible_vault_path='path/vault-password-file' to the path to your vault password file.
  • Use :AnsibleDecryptAll to show the location list with all the decrypted variables. Press v in the location list to open a vertical split with the contents of the current highlighted variable or q to close the list.
  • :AnsibleEncrypt on the line containing a variable to encrypt its value in place.