
As simple wordpress project integrating bootstrap 4, and using docker to deploy the site.

Primary LanguagePHP

Run steps

  1. Install docker.
  2. Clone the project:
$ git clone --recursive git@github.com:mauriciojovel/docker-wordpress-boilerplate.git your-awesome-site

If you already has the project and you need to download the submodules execute the command git submodule update --init --recursive

  1. Run:
$ docker-compose up -d

If you are in windows change the ${PWD} for %cd%

  1. If you need execute the gulp in development to check your changes in live execute the follow command:
$ docker-compose run npm-cli gulp
  1. Change your hosts file (in linux /etc/hosts) and add the line your-awesome-site.com

Stop the project

To stop the project you can execute the follow command

$ docker-compose stop

Also if you like destroy the instance you can execute the follow command

$ docker-compose down

Dump the data.

To create a backup to our database execute the follow command:

$ docker-compose exec dbmysql sh -c 'export MYSQL_PWD="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD";exec mysqldump -uroot site | gzip -9 -c > /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/database.sql.gz'

Using an existent mysqldb

Execute the follow commands to create a new database an user:

$ docker-compose exec dbmysql sh -c 'export MYSQL_PWD="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"; mysql'

after execute the follow comands:


Recomended plugings

  1. Loco Translate
  2. MailChimp for Wordpress
  3. Woocommerce
  4. Woocommerce pdf invoice
  5. Image Optimization
  6. Yoast SEO
  7. Members
  8. Unconfirmed

Customize your theme.


Of course the most important part is customize the theme to you can use it, so follow the next step to start your changes.

  1. Choose your theme name and rename the folder client-bootstrap for your name.
  2. Change in the docker-compose.yml the name of your theme in the npm-cli service.
  3. Use Plugin activation generator to create your own pluging activation and put all your required plugins there.
  4. Rename all the references to the ClientBootstrap or client_bootstrap or client-boostrap for your new theme name.


  1. Execute the command create-theme.sh under the directory: src/themes.
  2. That's all friends :)

Folder Structure.

│   └───mysql
│   │   Dockerfile
│   └───ngnix
│   │   default.conf
│   │   docker-entrypoint.sh
│   │   Dockerfile
│   │   LICENSE
│   │   proxy.conf
│   │   README.md
│   │   restrictions.conf
│   │   wordpress.conf
│   └───node
│   │   Dockerfile
│   │   init.sh
│   └───plugins
│   └───themes
│   └───uploads
│   docker-compose.yml
│   README.md

Changing url

If you need change the url of the project you can execute the follow command (only valid for linux):

$ sed -i 's/localhost:8080/your-awesome-site.com/g' database.sql

Using BrowserSync

Browser Sync is a service that will help us to make the development quickly so this project support use it, but you need to do the next step:

  1. You need to configure in your host a name to access to your local ip (for example: local.dev).

  2. You need modified that name in the follow places:

    • docker-compose.yml: In the npm-cli you need to change the name link for you development name.
    • in the gulpfile: You need modified to your custom name.
  3. If you need to use a diffent port you need to configurate your ngnix machine to use it, the most important thing is the docker network should be access to the same machine like in localhost.