This repository contains a website for managing personal inventory items. The website provides users with an intuitive way to track, manage, and categorize their personal items.
The goal of this website is to provide users with a solution for managing their personal inventory. By preventing disorganization, saving time, and minimizing potential losses, the website empowers users to maintain an organized inventory and make informed decisions regarding their personal items. bringing convenience and peace of mind.
A user must be able to register and login. A user must be able to add items to their inventory with details such as name, category, quantity, notes, and metadata. A user must be able to view their inventory items.
- A user should be able to edit the details of their inventory items.
- A user should be able to delete items from their inventory.
- A user should be able to mark items as missing or borrowed.
- A user should be able to add notes to an item.
- The application could provide a search feature to search the inventory by item name.
- The application could provide a filter feature to filter items by category.
- Reminders: The application will not include a built-in reminder feature.
- Offline mode: The application will not have offline functionality.
- Other possible features: Any additional features beyond the scope of the defined requirements will not be implemented.
USER ||--|{ INVENTORY : has
INVENTORY ||--|{ ITEM : contains
ITEM ||--|| CATEGORY : categorized_in
USER ||--|{ INVENTORY : has
INVENTORY ||--|{ ITEM : contains
ITEM ||--|| ITEM_DETAILS : has
ITEM ||--|| METADATA : has
ITEM ||--|{ CATEGORY : belongs_to
int id PK
text username
text password
int id PK
int user_id FK
int id PK
text name
int inventory_id FK
text notes
boolean isMissing
boolean isBorrowed
int id PK
int item_id FK
text description
int quantity
int id PK
int item_id FK
datetime created_at
datetime updated_at
int id PK
text name
The API specification defines the endpoints and their corresponding request and response data.
Description: Register a new user. Request:
"username": "string",
"password": "string"
Response: Success: HTTP 200 OK Error: HTTP 400 Bad Request
Description: User login. Request:
"username": "string",
"password": "string"
Response: Success: HTTP 200 OK with a JWT token Error: HTTP 401 Unauthorized
Description: Add a new item to the user's inventory. Request:
"name": "string",
"category_id": "integer",
"quantity": "integer",
"notes": "string",
"isMissing": "boolean",
"isBorrowed": "boolean",
Response: Success: HTTP 201 Created with the created item object Error: HTTP 400 Bad Request
Description: Get a list of all items in the user's inventory Request:
No request parameters required
Success: HTTP 200 OK with an array of item objects Error: HTTP 400 Bad Request
Description: Get details of a specific item in the user's inventory. Request:
No request parameters required
Response: Success: HTTP 200 OK with the item object Error: HTTP 404 Not Found
Description: Update details of a specific item in the user's inventory. Request:
"name": "string",
"category_id": "integer",
"quantity": "integer",
"notes": "string",
"isMissing": "boolean",
"isBorrowed": "boolean",
Response: Success: HTTP 200 OK with the updated item object Error: HTTP 400 Bad Request or HTTP 404 Not Found
Description: Delete a specific item from the user's inventory. Request:
No request parameters required
Response: Success: HTTP 204 No Content Error: HTTP 404 Not Found
Description: Get a list of all available categories. Request:
No request parameters required
Response: Success: HTTP 200 OK with an array of category objects Error: HTTP 400 Bad Request