If you have questions about the license please email medwards@walledcity.ca or visit freelibrary.ca for more current contact info. Here are some basic installation instructions: prelude: we assume you are using an apache+mysql setup /w mod_passenger 1) gem install hpricot 2) rake db:create (alternatively create the database and add the user) 3) rake db:migrate 4) rake secret -> copy this and place it as your session key secret in config/environment.rb 5) ensure mod_rewrite is enabled (under debian-based simply run a2enmod rewrite with admin privileges) Things like isbnDB and GoogleBooks API tokens are set in config/application.yml You can get an isbnDB api token from this page https://isbndb.com/account/create.html You can get a Google Maps api token from this page http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html There is no guarantee that the API tokens stored in config/application.yml will work for you. There are other things you can change in config/application.yml (like a tags blacklist if you have problems with swearing or pro-capitalists)
Taking the functionality of the Distributed Library Project and moving it to a Rails backend so the code is less fugly