
Source for webdev.dartlang.org

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The webdev site

Build Status

This repo implements the webdev.dartlang.org website. It uses the tools and infrastructure of www.dartlang.org (which is implemented in github.com/dart-lang/site-www).

Prerequisites for building this site (assuming that you already have a local copy of the repo):

  • Dart, aim for the latest version.
  • Node v6; instructions below assume use of nvm. (HomeBrew users shall set the NVM_DIR env as instructed after brew install nvm.)
  • The ruby gem bundler. (HomeBrew users can get it with: brew install ruby and gem install bundler)

Installation instructions:

  1. nvm install 6 (on clean install) and/or nvm use 6
  2. source ./scripts/env-set.sh
  3. ./scripts/before-install.sh
  4. ./scripts/get-ng-repo.sh (only if the repos aren't already there).
    This step ensures that local angular-related repos are present as siblings to this repo; and that angular-dart is an alias to angular2.
  5. ./scripts/install.sh

Once everything's installed, you can build and serve:

  • gulp build # use --fast to avoid running dartdoc when API docs already exist
  • superstatic serve --port 4001

Or, to build, serve, and have a watcher for changes:

  • ./scripts/serve_local.sh

Or, to make sure everything's created from scratch:

source ./scripts/env-set.sh    # avoids errors if your environment's not quite right
nvm use 6                      # makes sure you're using the right version of node
gulp clean && gulp build --clean; ./scripts/serve_local.sh

Various useful gulp tasks:

  • gulp clean # deletes publish
  • gulp clean && gulp build --clean # really cleans up
  • gulp build --dgeni-log=info # trace at info level (warn is default)
  • gulp build-deploy # build and deploy to active firebase project

See the dart-lang/site-www README for more setup and build instructions.