
Practicalli Clojure REPL Driven Development

Primary LanguageCSS

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Book status

GitHub commit activity Content ideas and other issues Pull requests MegaLinter GitBook publish


Practicalli Clojure by Practicalli is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0


Issues and pull requests are most welcome. Please detail issues as much as you can. Pull requests are simpler to work with when they are specific to a page or at most a section. The smaller the change the quicker it is to review and merge.

Please see the detailed contributing section of the book before raising an issue or pull request

practicalli/clojure-deps-edn GitHub repository contains the Clojure CLI user level configuration used in this guide and issues and pull requests can also be made there.

By submitting content ideas and corrections you are agreeing they can be used in this workshop under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Attribution will be detailed via GitHub contributors.

GitHub Actions

The Linter GitHub actions will run when a pull request is created, checking basic markdown syntax.

A review of the change will be carried out by the Practicalli team and the PR merged if the change is acceptable.

The Publish Website GitHub action will run when PR's are merged (or the Practicalli team cherry picks changes to the default branch).

GitBook Static Site Generator

GitBook open source tool is used to generate all the Practicalli books, as it provides a simple way to provide effective navigation across a guide or book with a large number of pages.

Install locally

GitBook can be installed locally to support larger pieced of content development. It provides a local server that should continually build the site when changes are saved.

GitBook requires node.js version 11 (or version 10, or 8). GitBook plugins will fail with node versions higher than 11.

Install GitBook using node package manager

npm install gitbook-cli -g

Fork the practicalli/clojure GitHub repository and clone that fork to your computer,

git clone https://github.com/<your-github-account>/clojure.git

Switch to the root directory of the cloned repository when complete.

Install the GitBook plugins used for this project (as defined in the book.json configuration)

cd clojure

gitbook install

If any plugins fail to install, ensure node version 11 (or 10) is being used

Run a local server to generate the website from the markdown content, which also listens for changes

gitbook serve

Gitbook plugins

GitBook has numerous community plugins to extend its functionality.

The following plugins are currently used for Practicalli books.