
Very Simple Framework

Primary LanguagePHP


Very Simple Framework

git clone https://github.com/mauriciovander/vsf.git

cd vsf

composer install

This framework implements an MVC architecture and provides ready to use responses mechanisms to the folowing contexts:

Context: API http://api.domain.com/controller/action { api_key : ah9d3e6...7c1b09da, version : 1.0 key1 : value1, : : keyN : valueN, signature : lgjdkugfiyrwuoygjyfdifJhfxj75jhgfjf14jg }

Signature is calculated from implode('.', array(value1,...,valueN)) using the client RSA private key

Context: CLI php -f index.php controller action param1 param2 ...

Context: AJAX http://www.domain.com/controller/action { token : f710ab0257...34dfee8c1, key1 : value1, : : keyN : valueN }

Token is stored as a cookie and is related to client information

Context: SITE http://www.domain.com/controller/action/param1/param2...


➜ chmod +x phpunit.phar

➜ sudo mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit

➜ phpunit --version

Run Test:

phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/test-model-test.php