
Primary LanguageTypeScript

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The objective of this project is to explore NestJS.

Main Features

  1. Server side renderization
  2. Server side style-components renderization
  3. Dynamic rounting
  4. Infinite scroll
  5. Post store
  6. API integration

Installing and running the application

# First clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/luamfmenezes/nest-blog

🎲 Runing application

# install the dependencies:
$ yarn
# or
$ npm install

# Run the application in development mode:
$ yarn dev
# or
$ npm run dev

# The server will run on Port: 3000 - access http://localhost:3000


  1. Eslint with standard style guide.
  2. Prettier


All tests were made usign jest and react-testing-library to emulate the user expirience.

The tests are organized in the same folders as the files to be tested.

🎲 Runing tests.

# run the following command:
$ yarn test
# or
$ npm run test