
Client to recursively import maven, npm and nuget libraries to a repository like Nexus OSS, Artifactory, NPM and so on.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Tool to recursively import maven, npm and nuget libraries to a repository like Nexus OSS, Artifactory, NPM and so on.


The purpose of this CLI is to import Maven, NPM or NuGet artifacts recursively to the Nexus OSS. It all began when we started to migrate from the Artifactory repo to the Nexus OSS repo at work. At that moment I didn't find a tool or functionality at Nexus to get the job done. So to avoid repetitive work I decided to write a simple cli that calls mvn, npm and nuget behind, taking a directory as starting point, to recursively search for artifacts to deploy to the Nexus OSS 3x.

During the execution is possible to check the total of import success and errors. In the end the CLI will generate a log file to better evaluate the results.


The nexus-ilegacy CLI requires:

  • Node 6.9.0 or higher
  • NPM 3 or higher
  • Maven 3.3 or higher - to import Maven artifacts
  • NuGet 3 or higher - to import .NET artifacts


To install the CLI:

npm install i -g nexus-ilegacy

Docs install the Maven and NuGet


  1. Both Maven and NuGet need to be on OS PATH variable.
  2. For Maven be sure to configure a server in the settings.xml file at the .m2 folder. This is needed as it contains the credentials to deploy the artifact to the Nexus maven repository.

Example of a settings.xml file:

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"

This server id the "--repositoryId" argument, so the mvn command will get this username and password to proceed with the deploy.

HINT Never expose your password in plain text. For maven password encryption , follow this guide.


nilegacy --help

The command syntax is:

nilegacy [repo] [options] directory_to_search_recursively


In the repo argument you should use one of following options:

  • maven
  • npm
  • nuget


General options (valid for maven, nuget and npm):

--repoUrl - repository URL
--version - show the current version
--help - display help
--output -change the output log file. Default is ./nilegacy-YYYYMMDDHHmmss.log

Options available only for maven:

--repositoryId - repository ID as configured in Maven settings.xml
--generatePom - if specified will force the pom generation, otherwise, will use the same name of the jar file for the pom
--groupId - group ID must be informed if generatePom is true


The directory path to search for files. The execution will look for files with the following extensions / patterns:

  • maven: *.jar
  • nuget: *.nupkg
  • npm: package.json and *.tgz The CLI will recursively look for files except for those located in node_modules, considering NPM packages.

Important: Remember to check if the user have permission to access the directory.

Importing Maven Artifacts

The CLI will look for files with the .jar extension and *.sources.jar and *.javadoc.jar are also considered. Behind the scenes it will execute the maven deploy plugin. CLI example to upload maven artifacts to Nexus OSS:

nilegacy maven --repoUrl http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-hosted --repositoryId repo-maven /home/user/artifactory_

Important: Note the --repositoryId. This id must exists in the servers config at the settings.xml.

Importing NPM Artifacts

This CLI will search recursively looking for package.json and *.tgz files, except those inside node_modules.

First of all you have to setup the user that will publish the package.

npm adduser --registry <repo_url>


npm adduser --registry http://localhost:8081/repository/npm-internal

Then run the nilegacy import command :

nilegacy npm --repoUrl http://localhost:8081/repository/npm-internal ./directory-with-npm-libs

Limitations: NPM Issue #10117

Importing NuGet Artifacts

TODO: To be done


For the list of all changes see the history log.


Licensed under MIT.

Copyright (c) 2017 Mauricio Gemelli Vigolo @mauriciovigolo