Sudoku interview test
Sudoku is a Japanese game, the purpose of the game is simple, following 3 simple rules, you start from a partially filled board and you need to fill it fully.
Only one solution exists for each partially filled board.
The board is composed by 9x9
cells, the board is divided in 9 3x3
The rules are the following:
- Each number from
1 to 9
must occur in every row - Each number from
1 to 9
must occur in every column - Each number from
1 to 9
must occur in every3x3
The only valid solution for the sudoku combination above is:
We really like Sudoku and we wanted to write a script that solves it for us, we started writing it, but we got stuck and we don't know how to complete.
In this test you will try to complete the missing parts of the script, so it will produce a valid output.
Input definition
The function solveSudoku
receives as input a matrix 9x9
the matrix is composed by one-character strings,
valid values for these strings are: 123456789.
, the value '.' means that the box is not filled.
Install the dependencies using:
npm i
Testing your solution
To test if your solution works use:
yarn test
npm test