Population Health Management

Local Execution

Go to the PHM-Rules-SB-service directory and using the configuration application.properties run

. ./launch.sh clean install

Then post the following payload

	"lookup": "phm",
    "commands": [
            "insert": {
                "object": {
                    "com.health_insurance.phm_model.Trigger": {
                        "triggerId": 74,
                        "memberId": "xyz123"
                "out-identifier": "trigger",
                "return-object": false
            "fire-all-rules": {}

to the url http://localhost:8090/rest/server/containers/instances/PHM-Rules-SB-kjar-1_0

If you are developing use the configuration application-dev.properties and run

. ./launch-dev.sh clean install

with a controller up and running at port 8080.

Docker Execution

With docker running, in the *-service directory run

. ./launch.sh clean install -Pdocker,h2

Then you should be able to continue as in the local execution.