
Alpha Vantage - Company Overview - Sync

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Alpha Vantage - Company Info - Sync

This application can be used to synchronize the company information from the Alpha Vantage API into a Weaviate VectorDB.


  • An Alpha Vantage API key
    • You can use the default API key "demo", but it will only give you access to the company information for the "IBM" stock symbol.
  • A Weaviate API key
    • If running a local Weaviate instance, you can use an empty "" API key.
  • An OpenAI API key
  • A Huggingface API key

Running locally

If you'd like, you can run a Weaviate instance locally using podman/docker

podman run --name weaviate -p 8000:8080 -p 50051:50051 -e ENABLE_MODULES="text2vec-cohere,text2vec-huggingface,text2vec-palm,text2vec-openai,generative-openai,generative-cohere,generative-palm,ref2vec-centroid,reranker-cohere,qna-openai" semitechnologies/weaviate:1.25.7

You can override any of the application configurations by creating an application.yml file in the $PROJECT_ROOT/config directory. This directory is ignored by Git to prevent checking in personal/user keys or other secrets.

To run the application, you can use the following commands:

mvn clean package spring-boot:run

Running on OpenShift

Create the deployment.yml, configmap.yml, and secret.yml files from the available templates, and update them with your values. These files are ignored by Git to prevent checking in personal/user keys or other secrets.

cp src/main/jkube/deployment.yml.template src/main/jkube/deployment.yml
cp src/main/jkube/configmap.yml.template src/main/jkube/configmap.yml
cp src/main/jkube/secret.yml.template src/main/jkube/secret.yml

Build and deploy to OpenShift. Make sure you're logged in to OpenShift and are currently in the namespace you want to deploy to.

mvn -P openshift clean package oc:deploy

Additional notes:

You can reference environment variables inside of your ConfigMap. For instance, if you wanted to use the Huggingface or OpenAI vectorizers, you could add the following configurations to your config.yml file:

  application.yml: |-
          "X-OpenAI-Api-key": "${OPENAI_API_KEY}"
          "X-Huggingface-Api-key": "${HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY}"
          vectorizer-module: "text2vec-huggingface"
              waitForModel: true
          generative-module: "generative-openai"
            model: "gpt-4"

Then you can add the API keys to your secret.yml file like so:

  application.weaviate.openai-api-key: "<my base64 encoded key>"
  application.weaviate.huggingface-api-key: "<my base64 encoded key>"

Finally, you'd inject those secrets in your deployment.yml as environment variables which you referenced in your ConfigMap.

        - name: OPENAI_API_KEY
              name: ${project.artifactId}-secret
              key: application.weaviate.openai-api-key
              optional: true
        - name: HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY
              name: ${project.artifactId}-secret
              key: application.weaviate.huggingface-api-key
              optional: true

Application Properties

Property Default Description
application.batch-ingest.enabled true Enable batch ingest of company information. When enabled, this will run first before the poller is started.
application.batch-ingest.type EMBEDDED The batch ingest type. Valid values are EMBEDDED, FILE, or S3. If using the FILE type, set the appropriate settings starting with application.file. If using the S3 type, set the appropriate settings starting with application.s3.
application.file.directory "target/batch" The directory where the batch file is stored.
application.file.file-name "company-overview.json" The file name of the batch file.
application.file.watch false Watch the specified batch file for changes.
application.file.watch-period 30000 The frequency (in milliseconds) to check for changes to the specified batch file. Only applies if watch is true.
application.file.update false Update the specified batch file if new data is found during polling.
application.s3.access-key Your AWS access key.
application.s3.secret-key Your AWS secret key.
application.s3.bucket-name "default" The AWS S3 bucket name where the batch file resides.
application.s3.region-name "us-east-1" The AWS S3 region where your batch file resides.
application.s3.file-name "company-overview.json" The file name (AWS S3 Key) of the batch file/S3 object.
application.s3.watch false Watch the specified batch file/S3 object for changes.
application.s3.watch-period 30000 The frequency (in milliseconds) to check for changes to the specified batch file/S3 object. Only applies if watch is true.
application.s3.update false Update the specified batch file/S3 object if new data is found during polling.
application.poller.enabled true Enable polling the Alpha Vantage API for updates to company information.
application.poller.symbols "IBM" The list of stock symbols to update on poll.
application.poller.period 86400000 The frequency (in milliseconds) to poll.
application.alpha-vantage.scheme "https" The scheme for the Alpha Vantage API. Valid values are "http" or "https".
application.alpha-vantage.host "www.alphavantage.co" The host name for the Alpha Vantage API.
application.alpha-vantage.port 443 The port for the Alpha Vantage API.
application.alpha-vantage.path "query" The path for the Alpha Vantage API.
application.alpha-vantage.function "OVERVIEW" The function for the Alpha Vantage API. Supported values are "OVERVIEW".
application.alpha-vantage.api-key "demo" The API key for the Alpha Vantage API. The default "demo" key only gives access to the "IBM" stock symbol.
application.alpha-vantage.throttle-enabled true Should requests to the Alpha Vantage API be throttled.
application.alpha-vantage.throttle-requests 1 The number of requests per-period allowed to the Alpha Vantage API.
application.alpha-vantage.throttle-period 1000 The period (in milliseconds) for which to throttle requests to the Alpha Vantage API.
application.weaviate.scheme "http" The scheme for the Weaviate VectorDB. Valid values are "http" or "https".
application.weaviate.host "localhost" The host name for the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.port 8000 The port for the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.grpc-secured false Enable secure gRPC access to the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.grpc-host "localhost" The host name for gRPC access to the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.grpc-port 50051 The port for gRPC access to the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.api-key Your Weavate API key to use for access to the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.headers The headers to include in the connection to the Weaviate VectorDB. For example, "X-OpenAI-Api-key" or "X-Huggingface-Api-key".
application.weaviate.throttle-enabled true Should requests to the Weaviate VectorDB be throttled.
application.weaviate.throttle-requests 1 The number of requests per-period allowed to the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.throttle-period 1000 The period (in milliseconds) for which to throttle requests to the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.schema.initialize true Should this app initialize the schema in the Weaviate VectorDB on startup.
application.weaviate.schema.drop-if-exists false Should this app drop the existing schema and recreate in the Weaviate VectorDB on startup.
application.weaviate.schema.name "Symbols" The class name of the schema in the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.schema.properties "see application.yml for full list" The properties for objects in the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.schema.vectorizer-module "text2vec-ollama" The name of the vectorizer module to use when creating the schema in the Weaviate VectorDB. For instance "text2vec-ollama" or "text2vec-huggingface".
application.weaviate.schema.vectorizer-module-config apiEndpoint: "http://localhost:11434", model: "all-minilm" The vectorizer module configuration map to use when creating the schema in the Weaviate VectorDB.
application.weaviate.schema.generative-module "generative-ollama" The name of the generative module to use when creating the schema in the Weaviate VectorDB. For instance "generative-ollama" or "generative-openai".
application.weaviate.schema.generative-module-config apiEndpoint: "http://localhost:11434", model: "llama3" The generative module configuration map to use when creating the schema in the Weaviate VectorDB.