
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

IoT Demo

Demo Architecture



AMQ Broker

  • Install and run Red Hat AMQ Broker [https://developers.redhat.com/products/amq/hello-world]

    • This should be done outside of OpenShift simulating the "Field Environment".
    • _On a Mac do brew install apache-activemq brew services start activemq -the web console is at localhost:8161

AMQ Streams

  • Install the AMQ Streams Operator from OperatorHub

  • Create and configure an AMQ Streams cluster

    oc apply -f ./kube/kafka-cluster.yaml -n iot-demo
    oc apply -f ./kube/kafka-topics.yaml -n iot-demo


  • Install the Prometheus Operator from OperatorHub

  • Install the Prometheus Pushgateway

    oc new-app prom/pushgateway -l 'app=iot-demo' -l 'prometheus/type=pushgateway' -n iot-demo
  • Create and configure the Prometheus resources

    oc apply -f ./kube/prometheus.yaml -n iot-demo
    oc apply -f ./kube/prometheus-pushgateway-service-monitor.yaml -n iot-demo


  • Install and configure a Grafana instance

    oc apply -f ./kube/grafana.yaml -n iot-demo
  • Import the Grafana datasource and dashoard found in the ./grafana/ directory. You can either use the Web UI, or the REST API.

    • The Web UI can be found at:

      echo "http://$(oc get route grafana --template='{{.spec.host}}')/"

Camel K

  • Install the Camel K Operator from OperatorHub

  • Configure the Camel K Integration Platform

    oc apply -f ./kube/integration-platform.yaml -n iot-demo
  • Install the Camel K bridge applications

    • Don't forget to modify the ConfigMap and Secret files with your environment settings.
    oc create configmap artemis-source-configmap --from-file=application.properties=./bridges/artemis-source-configmap.properties
    oc create secret generic artemis-source-secret --from-file=application.properties=./bridges/artemis-source-secret.properties
    kamel run \
      --namespace iot-demo \
      --config configmap:artemis-source-configmap \
      --config secret:artemis-source-secret \
    oc create configmap push-gateway-sink-configmap --from-file=application.properties=./bridges/push-gateway-sink-configmap.properties
    kamel run \
      --namespace iot-demo \
      --config configmap:push-gateway-sink-configmap \


  • You can run the Python script to simulate device telemetry being sent to the AMQ Broker

    python simulators/iot/pumpjack/sim.py --location-id field-01 --rig-id pumpjack-01 --broker-username admin --broker-password admin --telemetry-topic 'iot.telemetry' --telemetry-frequency 1 --buffer-timeout 10000 --verbose 'tcp://localhost:1883'
    • You can run python simulators/iot/pumpjack/sim.py --help for more details/options