
A directory-tree generation script for LaTeX

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A directory-tree generation script for LaTeX

What is this?

A python script that automagically generates the code to represent a directory tree in LaTeX using the dirtree package.

Give me an example!

> python dirtreex.py /Users/me/myDir
 .1 {/Users/me/myDir} .
  .2 {A} .
   .3 {A1} .
   .3 {A2} .
   .3 {A3} .
  .2 {B} .
   .3 {B1} .
    .4 {B1.2} .
     .5 {beta} .
  .2 {C} .
   .3 {a:b:c} .
    .4 {gamma} .

The previous code renders in LaTeX as follows:


Are there any optional arguments?


> python dirtreex.py -h
usage: dirtreex.py [-h] [-d MAXDEPTH] [-H] [-S] path

Print the directory-tree code for the LaTeX dirtree package.

positional arguments:
  path                  Root directory of the tree

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d MAXDEPTH, --maxDepth MAXDEPTH
                        Max depth for the tree expansion
  -H, --includeHidden   Include hidden files
  -S, --includeSystem   Include system files

Have you tested it on Windows?

Nope. I wrote this for OS X and it should be compatible with any Unix system. The -H flag shouldn't work on Windows due to a different representation of hidden files.

How do I use it?

Install the requirements:

Obviously you will need Python (tested on 2.7) and then install the walkdir library:

pip install walkdir

Download the script:

Direct link here or checkout the repository.

Run it:

the quick way:

> python /path/to/script/dirtreex.py /treeRoot

the other way:

> sudo chmod +x /path/to/script/dirtreex.py
> mv /path/to/script/dirtree.py /usr/local/bin
> dirtreex.py /treeRoot