TL;DR I scraped Fon.Te. share values so that you don't have to. Data updates every Sunday at 00:42 CET
- Google Sheet: [PUBLIC] FonTe - Valori Quota
- CSV: [PUBLIC] FonTe - Valori Quota
- TSV: [PUBLIC] FonTe - Valori Quota
- Chart Example (click on the preview image to open in a new tab)
Fon.Te. share values for all 4 compartments are available in the following pages:
- Valori Quota: Comparto Garantito
- Valori Quota: Comparto Bilanciato
- Valori Quota: Comparto Crescita
- Valori Quota: Comparto Dinamico
In this form they are hardly usable. Here is my attempt to fix that:
- the repo includes a parser to extract quotes from the web pages and save them to Google Sheet
- I compared public quotes with what I can see in FonTe customer's portal and fixed a few errors in public numbers
- you can find the resulting data in the Quick Links above.
- For simplicity's sake, the dataset always shows the last day of each month, even if the market was closed on such days (e.g. it was a Sunday).
- There is some discrepancy between quotes coming from FonTe's public pages and those you can access when logged in the platform (for customers only). In such cases, quotes from the platform overwrite public values. For a list of known discrepancies, see comments in the definition of the