
Simple Calendar is a file-server system with a built in calendar interface.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This repository holds the complete code and script for SimpleCalendar. SimpleCalendar is a file-server system built with PHP version 7.4. SimpleCalendar uses S-3, an Amazon service known as "Simple Storage Service". SimpleCalendar allows administrators to upload and delete multiple files (PDF,Exe,dox,etc) in calendar using Dropzone (AJAX) and S-3. Administrators are permitted to publish files and daily notes for their registered users to view daily notes and download files in the calendar. SimpleCalendar is protected by Symfony 5's firewall bundle to authenticate users. SimpleCalendar uses role-based access control (RBAC) authorization allowing users to have access to requested HTML pages and uses MySQL database to store user accounts' email and password.

SimpleCalendar Web Application: https://simplecalendarmaker.com



  1. Git
  2. Install PHP 7.2.5 or higher and these PHP extensions (which are installed and enabled by default in most PHP 7 installations): Ctype, iconv, JSON, PCRE, Session, SimpleXML, and Tokenizer
  3. Symfony install . Optionally, you can also install Symfony CLI. This creates a binary called symfony that provides all the tools you need to develop and run your Symfony application locally.
  4. Node install
  5. Yarn install
  6. A clone of Simple-Calendar repo


  1. cd Simple-Calendar to go into project root
  2. Make sure you have Composer installed and then run:
composer install

You may alternatively need to run php composer.phar install, depending on how you installed Composer.

  1. Run npm install and yarn
  2. Set APP_ENV=dev
  3. Configure the .env File

First, make sure you have an .env file (you should). If you don't, copy .env.dist to create it.

Next, look at the configuration and make any adjustments you need - specifically DATABASE_URL.

  1. Setup the Database

Again, make sure .env is setup for your computer. Then, create the database & tables!

php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

If you get an error that the database exists, that should be ok. But if you have problems, completely drop the database (doctrine:database:drop --force) and try again.

Start the built-in web server

You can use Nginx or Apache, but the built-in web server works great:

symfony serve

Now check out the site at http://localhost:8000

Contact information for Devs

Mauro Vargas
Github: mauro1477
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mauro-vargas-jr-889559167/

Laura Ballantyne
Github: lauraballant
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-ballantyne-24b066182/