thirty bees is an open-source fork of PrestaShop 1.6. Our aim with this fork is to provide a feature set that merchants need. We are rewriting a lot of the core modules and cleaning up the legacy code. We aim to provide a stable, feature-rich e-commerce platform to grow businesses.
thirty bees is commited to being free and open source. We are also committed to making all software that thirty bees develops free and open source. For that reason we have setup a Patreon page so our community can help support us. You can view our current list of supporters here which will be shipped will all thirty bees versions moving forward.
Overview of the general goal:
With version 1.0.x we are striving to fix as many bugs as possible, while maintaining compatibility with existing themes and modules. We want to provide the stablest platform for current users to migrate into.
New Features being added into v1.0.x of thirty bees:
- Ability to add CSS from the back office
- Ability to add JavaScript snippets from the back office
- Enhanced Favicon / device icon support
- Full page caching in the core, with the following caching mechanisms:
- redis
- memcache(d)
- APCu
- file system
Native Modules:
Native modules will be refactored to remove legacy code. Code that supports previous PrestaShop versions is currently being removed and refactored to support PHP 5.5 - PHP 7.2.
Rewritten modules:
- PayPal has been rewritten
- has been refactored
New native modules:
- MailChimp (including e-commerce features)
- Stripe (Credit cards, Apple Pay, AliPay, Bitcoins)
- thirty bees blog module
- tawkto
You can find the latest version of the roadmap here:
General server requirements:
- PHP 5.5 - PHP 7.2
- Apache, nginx or IIS
- Windows, Linux or OS X
- MySQL 5.5.3+ or MariaDB 5.5+
- PHP extensions:
- Required:
- gd
- bcmath
- xml (SimpleXML, DOMDocument)
- json
- zip
- mysql (PDO only)
- mbstring
- Recommended:
- imap
- curl
- opcache
- apcu/redis/memcache(d)
- Required:
IE / Edge |
Firefox |
Chrome |
Safari |
Opera |
iOS Safari |
Chrome for Android |
IE9, IE10, IE11, Edge | 30+ | 30+ | 9+ | 36+ | 9+ | 30+ |
Browserlist string: defaults, ie >= 9, ie_mob >= 10, edge >= 12, chrome >= 30, chromeandroid >= 30, android >= 4.4, ff >= 30, safari >= 9, ios >= 9, opera >= 36
You can install the master or follow a release package
- Recursively clone the repository and choose tag release version number from the -b parameter:
$ git clone --recursive -b #.##
- Then cd into the
folder - Run composer to install the dependencies:
$ composer install
- Then install the software as usual, using either a web browser (
- Or install via command line
$ php install-dev/index_cli.php --newsletter=1 --language=en --country=us --domain=thirty.bees:8888 --db_name=thirtybees --db_create=1 --name=thirtybees --email=test@thirty.bees --firstname=thirty --lastname=bees --password=thirtybees
- Arguments available:
--step all / database,fixtures,theme,modules,addons_modules (Default: all)
--language Language iso code (Default: en)
--all_languages Install all available languages (Default: 0)
--timezone (Default: Europe/Paris)
--base_uri (Default: /)
--domain (Default: localhost)
--db_server (Default: localhost)
--db_user (Default: root)
--db_password (Default: )
--db_name (Default: thirtybees)
--db_clear Drop existing tables (Default: 1)
--db_create Create the database if not exist (Default: 0)
--prefix (Default: tb_)
--engine InnoDB (Default: InnoDB)
--name (Default: thirty bees)
--activity (Default: 0)
--country (Default: fr)
--firstname (Default: John)
--lastname (Default: Doe)
--password (Default: 0123456789)
--email (Default:
--license Show thirty bees license (Default: 0)
--newsletter Get news from thirty bees (Default: 1)
--send_email Send an email to the administrator after installation (Default: 1)