
Harmony, cadence, and phrase annotations for Mozart's 18 piano sonatas

Primary LanguagePython

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The Annotated Mozart Sonatas: Score, Harmony, and Cadence

Scores, chord labels and cadence labels for Mozart's 18 piano sonatas, following the Neue Mozart Ausgabe.

This dataset is accompanied by the data report Hentschel, J., Neuwirth, M. and Rohrmeier, M., 2021. The Annotated Mozart Sonatas: Score, Harmony, and Cadence. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 4(1), pp.67–80. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/tismir.63

An updated version of the dataset and the Python script are in preparation and will be released a couple of days from here (May 19th). The folder scores will be renamed to MS3. The column onset will be renamed to mc_onset. The annotation labels will appear under the left hand and in MuseScore's Roman Numeral Layer. The mozart_loader.py will be using the Python library ms3 and appear with a couple of bugs corrected.


Data Formats

Every sonata movement is represented by five files with identical filenames in five different folders. For example, the first movement of the first sonata K. 279 has the following files:

  • scores/K279-1.mscx: Uncompressed MuseScore file including the music and harmony labels.
  • notes/K279-1.tsv: A table of all notes contained in the score and their relevant features.
  • measures/K279-1.tsv: A table with relevant information about the measures in the score.
  • harmonies/K279-1.tsv: A list of the included harmony labels with their positions in the score.
  • cadences/K279-1.tsv: A list of cadence labels and their positions.

The README in each folder contains information about the respective files.

Opening TSV files

Tab-separated value (TSV) files are like Comma-separated value (CSV) files and can be opened with most modern text editors. However, for correctly displaying the columns, you might want to use a spreadsheet or an addon for your favourite text editor. When you use an spreadsheet such as Excel, it might annoy you by interpreting fractions as dates. This can be circumvented by using Data --> From Text/CSV or the free alternative LibreOffice Calc. Other than that, TSV data can be loaded with every modern programming language.

Accessing the Data

The included script mozart_loader.py lets you conveniently create an augmented representation of the data. First, create a local copy of this repository, either by using the command git clone https://github.com/DCMLab/mozart_piano_sonatas.git or by unpacking this ZIP file. After navigating to your local copy, you can simply run the script by typing python mozart_loader.py. The script requires Python >= 3.6 with pandas >= 0.24.0 installed.

Raw Data

Run python mozart_loader.py -h to see the overview of available options.

The script's most simple functionality concatenates all TSV files from the folders and stores them as single files:

  • -N concatenates the note matrices
    • -NT merges notes that are being tied together, leaving only those representing an onset, with merged durations aggregated
  • -M concatenates the measure matrices
  • -H concatenates the harmony labels
  • -C concatenates the cadence labels

In case you want to join harmony labels with notes and/or cadence labels in a single file, add -j for joining. The basic representation of all data in a single file is yielded by python mozart_loader.py -NHCMj.

When joining the notes with labels, the latter often appear duplicated, namely once for every note with the identical onset. All notes that do not coincide with a label have NULL values in the concerning columns. This can be circumvented using the parameter -p which propagates the labels (and their features), thus identifying all notes that fall in their range.

Accessing Harmony Features

The harmony labels follow the DCML standard for harmonic annotation and can be split into feature columns.

  • Using the option -e on the script will perform this expansion for you and spread the encoded information over the DataFrame, e.g. information about global and local keys.
  • If you want to transpose all labels to the global tonic, thus eliminating the information about local keys, use -g.
  • The chord tones expressed by the labels can be additionally computed by using -E instead of -e. They are expressed as integer intervals representing the number of stacked perfect fifths over the tonic, i.e., 0 is the tonic, 1 the dominant, 2 the supertonic, -1 the subdominant, etc.
    • If the parameter -g is set, all chord tones are expressed as intervals (stacks of fifths) over the global tonic.
    • Otherwise, they represent intervals (stacks of fifths) over the chord's local tonic.
    • Or you can have all chord tones represent absolute pitches, based on the global key. In that case they display intervals (stacks of fifths) over the tone C = 0, making G = 1, F = -1 etc.

All options can be combined with the above-mentioned functionality for data joining. The thickest data representation would be yielded using python mozart_loader.py NHCEpj. Except if you add:


By default, all data is being returned as though playing every section only once, i.e. without first endings (without prima volta). Instead, you may choose the 'unfolded' version that duplicates notes and labels depending on the piece's repeat structure. Simply add -u to the parameters. This puts first and second endings in their correct positions, thus creating correct transitions and event counts that are closer to what is actually being performed. This option adds the column playthrough which counts complete measures in mn style but counting "through" instead of repeating measure numbers.

Transposing everything to C

The option -A lets you rebase all pitches on C which corresponds to a transposition of every piece to C major or C minor. It is a special case of the (maximal) parameter combination -CHNEpj: The result is a DataFrame that represents the note list of all pieces merged with cadence labels and fully expanded chord labels which both have been propagated over the note lists. The difference is that all global keys are changed to C or c with the columns tpc (tonal pitch class) and midi transposed accordingly. The chord tones correspond to the representation of parameter -g but without transposing the chord labels (unless you add -g).

How to correctly load the TSV files into pandas

Since the TSV files contain null values, lists, fractions, and numbers that are to be treated as strings, you may want to use this code to load any TSV files related to this repository, processed or not:

from utils.feature_matrices import load_tsv

# For a file created using `python mozart_loader.py -CHNjuE`
tsv = './formatted/-CHNMjpuE_joined.tsv'

# If you have pandas >= 1.0.0 installed and want to use the new nullable
# string type, set stringtype=True.
df = load_tsv(tsv, stringtype=False)

How to get to different representations of chord tones

For convenience a function for converting the chord tones into other representations is available. Here are a couple of examples. They show different representations for this small segment of the Adagio from K. 280: mozart score example from K280-2

The function transform_note_columns() receives a TSV file created by mozart_loader.py [-E][-g][-a] and outputs it with an altered representation of the chord tones.

Scale Degrees & Roman Numerals

The first showcase begins with the "normal" chord tones, i.e., those expressed relative to the respective local tonic as output by mozart_loader.py -E. The parameter sd converts them to scale degrees, rn to Roman numerals. In both cases, transform_note_columns() automatically uses the boolean column localkey_is_minor to compute mode-dependent scale degrees.

from utils.feature_matrices import load_tsv
from utils.expand_labels import transform_note_columns

df = load_tsv('./formatted/-E_harmonies.tsv')
transform_note_columns(df, 'sd')

This example output shows only the most relevant columns:

globalkey localkey chord chord_tones root bass_note
f III I (1, 3, 5) 1 1
f III V65/vi (5#, 7, 2, 3) 3 5#
f III vi (6, 1, 3) 6 6
f III ii6 (4, 6, 2) 2 4
f III V(64) (5, 1, 3) 5 5
f III V7 (5, 7, 2, 4) 5 5

When the same chords are expressed relative to the global tonic by using mozart_loader.py -Eg, the local keys are eliminated. In order to compute correct scale degrees or Roman numerals for the chord tones, the boolean column globalkey_is_minor needs to be used:

df = load_tsv('./formatted/-Eg_harmonies.tsv')
transform_note_columns(df, 'sd', minor_col='globalkey_is_minor')
globalkey chord chord_tones root bass_note
f III (3, 5, 7) 3 3
f V65 (7#, 2, 4, 5) 5 7#
f i (1, 3, 5) 1 1
f iv6 (6, 1, 4) 4 6
f VII(64) (7, 3, 5) 7 7
f VII7 (7, 2, 4, 6) 7 7

Instead, we could decide to view all chord tones as scale degrees of a major mode by using the keyword argument minor=False. Additionally, the next example uses the note_cols argument to transform only the chord_tones to Roman numerals, leaving the other columns untouched (as stacks of fifths over the global tonic).

df = load_tsv('./formatted/-Eg_harmonies.tsv')
transform_note_columns(df, 'rn', note_cols=['chord_tones'], minor=False)
globalkey chord chord_tones root bass_note
f III (IIIb, V, VIIb) -3 -3
f V65 (VII, II, IV, V) 1 5
f i (I, IIIb, V) 0 0
f iv6 (VIb, I, IV) -1 -4
f VII(64) (VIIb, IIIb, V) -2 -2
f VII7 (VIIb, II, IV, VIb) -2 -2

Intervals & Relative Chromatic Pitch Classes

This representation simply converts the 'stacks of fifths' intervals to specific interval names or to relative chromatic pitch classes where 0 is the tonic. In the two examples, the local keys have once again been preserved:

df = load_tsv('./formatted/-E_harmonies.tsv')
transform_note_columns(df, 'iv')
globalkey localkey chord chord_tones root bass_note
f III I (P1, M3, P5) P1 P1
f III V65/vi (A5, M7, M2, M3) M3 A5
f III vi (M6, P1, M3) M6 M6
f III ii6 (P4, M6, M2) M2 P4
f III V(64) (P5, P1, M3) P5 P5
f III V7 (P5, M7, M2, P4) P5 P5
transform_note_columns(df, 'pc')
globalkey localkey chord chord_tones root bass_note
f III I (0, 4, 7) 0 0
f III V65/vi (8, 11, 2, 4) 4 8
f III vi (9, 0, 4) 9 9
f III ii6 (5, 9, 2) 2 5
f III V(64) (7, 0, 4) 7 7
f III V7 (7, 11, 2, 5) 7 7

Note Names

In order to express the chords as absolute pitches, the chord tones first need to be transposed to the absolute key which can be done using mozart_loader.py -a.

df = load_tsv('./formatted/-a_harmonies.tsv')
transform_note_columns(df, 'name')
globalkey localkey chord chord_tones root bass_note
f III I (Ab, C, Eb) Ab Ab
f III V65/vi (E, G, Bb, C) C E
f III vi (F, Ab, C) F F
f III ii6 (Db, F, Bb) Bb Db
f III V(64) (Eb, Ab, C) Eb Eb
f III V7 (Eb, G, Bb, Db) Eb Eb

If, instead, you use the globalkey chord labels for a note name representation, this would correspond to a transposition of the whole piece to the key of C (major or minor), as output as well using mozart_loader.py -A.

df = load_tsv('./formatted/-Eg_harmonies.tsv')
transform_note_columns(df, 'name')
globalkey chord chord_tones root bass_note
f III (Eb, G, Bb) Eb Eb
f V65 (B, D, F, G) G B
f i (C, Eb, G) C C
f iv6 (Ab, C, F) F Ab
f VII(64) (Bb, Eb, G) Bb Bb
f VII7 (Bb, D, F, Ab) Bb Bb

Using the original labels and chord tones (mozart_loader.py -E) would correspond to a transposition to C (major or minor) of each segment in a particular local key. In other words, all I chords will appear as (C, E, G) (in major and minor keys) but all III chords, for example, will appear as (Eb, G, Bb) for local minor keys and as (E, G#, B) for local major keys.

globalkey localkey chord chord_tones root bass_note
f III I (C, E, G) C C
f III V65/vi (G#, B, D, E) E G#
f III vi (A, C, E) A A
f III ii6 (F, A, D) D F
f III V(64) (G, C, E) G G
f III V7 (G, B, D, F) G G

Tonal Pitch Classes in the note lists

Naturally, you can also represent the pitches of the note lists of the actual scores as note names, e.g. the simple note list of all sonatas created using mozart_loader.py -N:

df = load_tsv('./formatted/-N_notes.tsv')
transform_note_columns(df, 'name', note_cols=['tpc'])

The first five notes in the first sonata K279-1 with their note names:

mc mn onset duration tpc midi
1 1 0 1/16 C 48
1 1 0 1/4 E 64
1 1 0 1/4 G 67
1 1 0 1/4 C 72
1 1 1/16 1/16 C 60

Storing and Retrieving Pitch-Based String Representations

The convenience function load_tsv() is hard-coded to the data types that mozart_loader.py produces. This would cause an error if you tried to use it on a TSV file where the chord tones have been converted to a pitch based representation (note names, scale degrees, roman numerals, or interval names). This small example shows how the converters and datatypes that the function uses can be updated. It uses a note list with joined harmonies and chord tones produced by mozart_loader.py -Naj.

from utils.feature_matrices import load_tsv, str2strtuple, iterable2str
from utils.expand_labels import transform_note_columns

df = load_tsv('./formatted/-Naj_joined.tsv')

# Converting the (absolute) chord tones and the pitches of the notes to note names
absolute_chord_tones = transform_note_columns(df, 'name')
absolute_pitches = transform_note_columns(absolute_chord_tones, 'name', note_cols=['tpc'])

# Converting the tone tuples to strings before saving the DataFrame to TSV
tone_tuples = ['chord_tones', 'added_tones']
absolute_pitches.loc[:, tone_tuples] = absolute_pitches.loc[:, tone_tuples].applymap(iterable2str)
absolute_pitches.to_csv('absolute_pitches.tsv', sep='\t')

# re-loading the stored TSV while updating the converters and data types for the altered columns
reloaded = load_tsv('absolute_pitches.tsv', converters={'chord_tones': str2strtuple, 'added_tones': str2strtuple}, dtypes={'root': str, 'bass_note': str, 'tpc': str}, )

Data types for parsing the data

The function load_tsv uses the following data types and converters to load the individual columns.

Data types

The data type Int64 designates columns that contain integers and NULL values. The column function serves as a quick reminder for the meaning of column names which are not self-evident. The column occurrence shows which of the individual TSV files the columns can occur and, consequently, in which README you find information about the column (Notes, Harmonies, Cadences, Measures)

column function type occurrence
alt_label alternative chord label string H
barline string M
bass_note Int64 H
cadence string C
cadences_id Int64 C
changes chord alterations, suspensions, additions etc. string H
chord part of the chord label that defines the chord tones string H
chord_type string H
dont_count concerns measure numbering Int64 M
figbass chord inversion string H
form chord form string H
globalkey global reference key of a piece string H
gracenote string N
harmonies_id Int64 H
keysig key signature of a measure integer M
label complete chord label string H
localkey local reference key string H
mc measure count integer NHM
midi integer H
mn measure number integer NHCM
notes_id Int64 N
numbering_offset concerns measure numbering Int64 M
numeral Roman numeral (chord root) string H
pedal string H
phraseend string H
playthrough unique measure numbers for unfolded scores integer NHCM
relativeroot lower-reference key from which a chord is borrowed string H
repeats string M
root root expressed as interval Int64 H
special shorthand chord symbols string H
staff integer N
tied Int64 N
timesig time signature string NHCM
tpc tonal pitch class integer N
voice in which notational layer a note occurs integer N
voices number of notational layers in a measure integer M
volta for identifying first and second endings Int64 M


The collections are stored in the TSV files as strings in which the different elements are separated by the string , (comma and space). The boolean values are stored as 0 or 1. The fractions are stored either as integers or in the format 3/4.

column converter occurrence
added_tones collection H
act_dur fraction M
chord_tones collection H
globalkey_is_minor boolean H
localkey_is_minor boolean H
next collection M
nominal_duration fraction N
offset fraction M
onset fraction NHC
duration fraction N
scalar fraction N

Creating master table

python mozart_loader.py -NECMjp

Creating all TSV files

ms3 extract -N ../notes -M ../measures -L ../harmonies -e ambig

Questions, Suggestions, Corrections, Bug Reports

Please create an issue and feel free to fork and submit pull requests.
