
A light colour scheme inspired by / heavily based on Nord

MIT LicenseMIT


A light colour scheme based on @arcticicestudio's Nord scheme.


  • Firefox
  • iTerm2
  • Jetbrains IDEs (editor theme, UI theme WIP)
  • Kitty terminal
  • Mac Terminal.app
  • Slack
  • Tmux
  • Vscode
  • Xcode
  • Xfce Terminal
  • Sublime Text

There used to be a Vim theme here too, however I found that it worked better when left to the normal terminal colours. For this I used one of the polar terminal themes with https://github.com/jeffkreeftmeijer/vim-dim to get the required colors.

New screenshots coming soon!

Changes from Nord Theme

  • Background / Lightest White Colour: #f9fafb