whack-a-proc is a tool that allows to monitor an executable and dump any PE file it loads in its own memory or injects in other processes. For more info: https://mauronz.github.io/whack-a-proc
monitor.exe [options] *target_command_line*
monitor.exe /level 1 /all notepad.exe mytextfile.txt
/level [0,1,2]: Each level increases the number of APIs hooked, potentially leading to new findings, but at the cost of performances.
- 0: Process and thread manipulation. Hooked APIs: NtCreateThread, NtCreateThreadEx, NtResumeThread, NtCreateUserProcess
- 1: Making memory executable. Hooked APIs: NtProtectVirtualMemory
- 2: Library loading. Hooked APIs: LoadLibraryA, LoadLibraryW
/protect: Set a hook on ZwMapViewOfSection to prevent a remapping of ntdll.dll. If ntdll.dll is being mapped, the output pointer to the mapped section (BaseAddress) is replaced with the currently mapped ntdll.dll (that is hooked).
/all: Inject into newly created processes without asking for confirmation.
/verbose: Print logs.