Game of Drones

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This a mobile-first app, and it also looks cool on any device.

Setting up the dev env

This project is using the reduced syntactic style (without semicolons) for ES2015:

If you're using Yarn:

Yarn is the recommended tool.

  1. Go to the project root.
  2. To install the dependencies, run yarn install
  3. To start the project, run yarn start

If you're not using Yarn:

  1. Go to the project root.
  2. To install the dependencies, run npm install
  3. To start the project, run npm start

Running unit tests

Run yarn test or npm test

Running E2E tests

For brevity's sake, you don't need to install any driver, we're using Chrome.

While the project is up, run yarn e2e or npm run e2e

Building for production

Run yarn build or npm build

Tools used for development

I would have used...