
UIs and scripts for controlling Amazon Fire devices from Home Assistant

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Fire TV Fire Stick 4K Fire Stick (1st Gen)
Fire TV 4 Series Remote Fire TV Stick 4K Fire Stick (1st Gen)


How to use

  1. Turn on ADB Debugging on your Amazon device
  2. Set up the Android TV Integration to connect it to your Amazon Fire Device
  3. Add this repository's /logos directory into your Home Assistant /config/www/ directory
  4. Append the contents of this repository's /scripts.yaml file to your current Home Assistant scripts file
  5. Add a Manual (blank YAML) card to your dashboard, and paste the contents of the appropriate *Remote.yaml file from this repository file onto the new blank card
  6. Change line 3 tv_entity: to reflect the name of your Amazon Android TV device that you set up in step 2
  7. A Home Assistant restart, or script reload may be required to make this remote control UI fully functional
