Fire TV | Fire Stick 4K | Fire Stick (1st Gen) |
- A functioning version of Home Assistant
- Card-Mod (available from HACS)
- A supported Amazon Fire Device
- Currently supported/tested devices are Fire TV 4 Series, Fire Stick 4K, and Fire Stick (1st Gen) but others might work as well
- Turn on ADB Debugging on your Amazon device
- Set up the Android TV Integration to connect it to your Amazon Fire Device
- Add this repository's /logos directory into your Home Assistant /config/www/ directory
- Append the contents of this repository's /scripts.yaml file to your current Home Assistant scripts file
- Add a Manual (blank YAML) card to your dashboard, and paste the contents of the appropriate *Remote.yaml file from this repository file onto the new blank card
- Change line 3 tv_entity: to reflect the name of your Amazon Android TV device that you set up in step 2
- A Home Assistant restart, or script reload may be required to make this remote control UI fully functional