
Deploy GLPI with CI/CD on Elestio

Primary LanguageShell

GLPI CI/CD pipeline

Deploy on Elest.io

Deploy GLPI server with CI/CD on Elestio

Once deployed ...

You can open GLPI UI here:

URL: https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN]

You can open PHPMyAdmin here:

URL: https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN]:26452
login: root
password: [ADMIN_PASSWORD]

First use

You will have to complete the initial setup. for this follow these steps:

  • Choose your language then, click on OK button

  • Click on Continue on Licenses page

  • Click on Install button

  • Click on Continue on Step 0 page

  • On Step 1 you'll have to enter these credentials:

      SQL Server=
      SQL User=glpi
      SQL Password=[ADMIN_PASSWORD]
  • After validing, choose glpidb database

  • After initializing the database, click on Continue until the Step 6. Here you'll get automatically generated credentials, keep them, and on login, change them.


To configure SMTP server, click on Setup>Notifications on the left tab. Click on Enable followup and save. Then click on Enable followups via email and save. A new category appears in the right, click on Email Followsups Configuration.

  • On Administrator email address write: [ADMIN_EMAIL]

  • On Way of sending emails choose SMTP

  • Put these credentials:

      SMTP Host=
      SMTP Login=
      SMTP Password=
      Email Sender=[DOMAIN]@vm.elestio.app
  • Save and after, click on Send a test email to the adminsitrator. You will receive a confirmation email.