
Project made to connect people to orphanages, inspired by Next Level Week #3 @Rocketseat

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Repository Size GitHub Last Commit License Stargazers

Project made to connect people to orphanages, inspired by Next Level Week #3 @Rocketseat

Web Screenshot

Landing Page Orphanages Map
Create Orphanage 1 Create Orphanage 2
Orphanage Detail 1 Orphanage Detail 2

Mobile Screenshot

Orphanages Map Create Orphanage 1 Create Orphanage 2
Create Orphanage 3 />
   <img src= Orphanage Detail 2


This project was made using the follow technologies:


The API was built with the following functionalities:


  • Create orphanage;
  • List orphanages;
  • List orphanage by id;

NOTE: you can find a Postman Collection at the server/postman folder, with examples of all the requests.

How to run

1. Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/mauroviniciussilva/happy.git

2. Run API

Setup .env file

Create a .env file in the /server folder and setup your IP Adress:


Go to server folder

cd server

Install dependencies


Run migrations

As the project is using SQLite, it is not necessary to do any previous database installation or configuration to run the project. You just need to run the migrations with the following command:

yarn typeorm migration:run


yarn dev

NOTE: API will run at port 3333

3. Run WEB Project

Setup .env file

As I'm using mapbox you need to have the token to render the map. You can see how to create one in the official docs. After getting the token, you must create an .env file in the /web folder with the following syntax:


Go to web folder

cd web

Install dependencies


Run application

yarn start

NOTE: WEB Application will run at port 3000

4. Run Mobile Project

To run the mobile project you need a phone with the expo app instaled or a emulator Android/iOS.

Setup .env file

Create a .env file in the /mobile folder and setup your IP Adress to access the backend:


Go to mobile folder

cd mobile

Install Dependencies


Run Aplication

yarn start

When you run it, the expo developer tools should open on a browse window.

You need to read the QRCode with expo app, or run on emulator to see the result.