
Project made to connect teachers to students, inspired by Next Level Week #2 @Rocketseat

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Repository size GitHub last commit License Stargazers

Project made to connect teachers to students, inspired by Next Level Week #2 @Rocketseat

Web Screenshot

Mobile Screenshot


This project was made using the follow technologies:


The API was built with the following functionalities:


  • Create connection;
  • List the total of connections made;


  • Create user


  • Create class;
  • List classes (filtered per subject, week day and time);

NOTE: you can find a Postman Collection at the server/postman folder, with examples of all the requests.


Although the original project opted for SQLite, I used MySQL, because I already have the entire environment configured on my machine and because I'm more familiar with it. To run the project, then, it will be necessary to have MySQL running. If you don't have it, you can make the dowload.


As I'm using MySQL, I opted for using dotenv module, so I can save my credentials without publishing them on GitHub. So, to set up the environment create a .env file in the root directory of your project. Add environment-specific variables on new lines in the form of NAME=VALUE. I'm using the following variables:


Follow these steps to get everything ready before running the API:

Create Database


Run Migrations

npm run knex:migrate

Run the Seed

npm run knex:seed

How to run

1. Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/mauroviniciussilva/proffy.git

2. Run API

Go to server folder

cd server

Install dependencies

npm install


npm start

NOTE: API will run at port 3333

3. Run WEB Project

Go to web folder

cd web

Install dependencies

npm install

Run application

npm start

NOTE: WEB Application will run at port 3000

3. Run Mobile Project

To run the mobile project you need a phone with the expo app instaled or a emulator Android/iOS.

Go to mobile folder

cd mobile

Install Dependencies

npm install

Run Aplication

npm start

When you run it, the expo developer tools should open on a browse window.


Before you open it on your phone or emulator, change the baseURL for your IP Adress in the api.ts file, located in mobile/src/services folder.

You need to read the QRCode with expo app, or run on emulator to see the result.

I am still working on this project and new features will be available soon. These include: user login, API improvements and teacher and class registration flow.