Manhunt Modding Cheatsheet

Just a list of stuff that can be modded in MH1 with the respective tools/scripts needed.


/Charpak Folder

This contains 3d models and textures used when activating certain cheats such as BUNYSUIT, PIGGSUIT. More info about dff and txd files below.

/data Folder

Needs to be unpacked from ManHunt.pak file More info soon

/mpeg Folder

Videos in bink video format for titles / ending of the game.

/pak Folder

Models and textures that are common to all levels. Such as rats, crows, etc. More info about dff and txd files below.

/pc_text Folder

Common text in the game. Info about how to unpack/pack/edit below.


Particle files. More info soon.


Needs to be unpacked from ManHunt.pak file Timed Vector Pairs. Camera angles for executions.


  • Type (VECPAIR => Regular Vector | VECPAIR@ => Last Vector)
  • Duration (How long should the camera stay)
  • Camera position X (need negation)
  • Camera position Y
  • Camera position Z
  • Camera look at position X (need negation)
  • Camera look at position Y
  • Camera look at position Z
  • Camera Pan (not 100% sure)
  • Camera Roll


Needs to be unpacked from ManHunt.pak and unpacked with MHT. Contains MLS Code variables which are shared over all levels


Needs to be unpacked from ManHunt.pak file Contains Weather stuff.

ManHunt.pak File

Found in /levels/GLOBAL/data* Unmodded game will automatically load its contents instead of .ini files. Contains /data and /tvp folders for global. Contains one folder per level and inside that it has:

  • entityTypeData.ini
  • levelSetup.ini
  • spl/splines.ini
  • 📦 Can be packed/unpacked with MHT
  • 📦 Can be extracted with PakExtract
  • ✅ Can be patched (along other issues) with pluginMH
  • ✅ Can be patched to load raw files first with Manhunt PAKPatch

All Level Files

/pak folder


Contains all 3d models for props and characters in that particular level. Should probably not go over 10mb.

  • 👁️ Can be previewed using MHS
  • ✏️ Can be edited with any DFF 3D Studio Max script, using the GTA SA option (might need to skip COL). For example, GF's script based on Kam's
  • 📦 Can be packed/unpacked with MHT
  • 📦 Can be packed/unpacked visually with MMCD


Contains all textures for props and characters in that particular level. Textures are always better as powers of 4 (64,128,256,512,1024... etc) Textures should be compressed as DXT1. If they have an alpha DXT3 should be used instead. Should probably not go over 10mb.


Contains all textures for the scene1/2.bsp files. Textures are always better as powers of 4 (64,128,256,512,1024... etc) Textures should be compressed as DXT1. If they have an alpha DXT3 should be used instead. Should probably not go over 10mb.

/pc_text folder

pc_{{level name}}_f|g|i|s.gxt

Contains text for all dialogue in the level. Version with no underscore is english. f = french g = german i = italian s = spanish

  • ✏️ Can be edited (once unpacked) in json format with any text editor (notepad, vscode, vim...)
  • 📦 Can be packed/unpacked with MHT

/scripts folder

{{level name}}.mls

Contains code for everything that happens in the level.

  • 📦 Can be unpacked/compiled with MHT
  • ✏️ Can be edited (once unpacked) in srce format with any text editor (notepad, vscode, vim...)

/spl folder


Splines loaded for a level are put in here, with setting for the type of spline, and its duration. I've no idea.

  • ✏️ Can be edited with any text editor (notepad, vscode, vim...)


I've no idea.

  • ❌ Can't be edited.

Root folder


Contains all anims for that particular level in blocks.

{{level name}}.bik / outro.bik

Found in /levels/{{level name}} Prerendered cutscenes.


Contains collisions for entities in the level such as the player, hunters, props in the map, etc.

entity.inst / entity2.inst

Contains placement/certain values for entities in the level such as the player, hunters, props in the map, etc.

  • ✏️ Can be edited visually with MHS
  • ✏️ Can be edited via GUI with InstEditor
  • 📦 Can be packed/unpacked in json format with MHT


Contains properties for entities in the level such as the player, hunters, props in the map, etc.

  • ✏️ Can be edited with any text editor (notepad, vscode, vim...)
  • 📦 Can be split/merged back into one file in ini format with MHT


Contains properties for the world such as the sky color, weather, fog.

  • ✏️ Can be edited with any text editor (notepad, vscode, vim...)


Contains waypoints for the hunter's AI

  • 📦 Can be packed/unpacked in json format with MHT
  • ✏️ Can be edited with any text editor (notepad, vscode, vim...) (once unpacked)


Contains the texture that's seen when this level loads

picmap.txd / picmmap.txd

Unused maps.


Contains geometry data for the level. Every mesh in this file has automatic collision. PVS (possible visible set) is RW's culling system for maps that divides the mesh into sectors To avoid players/hunters without ambient light (black) you need to generate PVS The default max amount of materials is about 300 Shadows in the level are controlled by (dark) vertex colors

  • ✏️ Can be created using RW SDK 3.5.
  • ✏️ PVS can be generated using wrldview from RW SDK 3.5.
  • 👁️ Can be previewed using MHS
  • 😈 Max material limit can be disabled with pluginMH
  • 📹 Tutorial


Contains geometry data for the level with no collision. Used for shadows, decals and such.

  • ✏️ Can be edited with using RW SDK 3.5
  • 📹 Tutorial


The worst file of them all. Unmodded game will gladly crash if any file goes over what's written in this size list of crap.

  • ✏️ Can be edited with any text editor and tears
  • 😈 Can be disabled and sent back to hell with pluginMH