
  • Giovanni Mauro
  • Anass Benali
  • Oriol Borrell

Document Description:

The repository contains the following documents:

  • In data there are three .csv files. top250-00-19 and transfers-all.csv are the 2 datasets that will be integrated. transfers.csv is the result of integrating both datasets.

  • In imgs are contained the models included in the report, and the document to create them.

  • In results is stored the .csv files obtained when executing the algorithms mentioned in the report.

  • Integration.R contains the code that integrates both data sources into one, generates the resulting .csv, and stores it to the data folder.

  • GraphCreationQueries.ipynb is a jupyter notebook that will create all the nodes and edges in the Neo4j graph.

  • QueriesAlgorithms.ipynb is a jupyter notebook that contains the queries and algorithms explained in the report.

  • ProjectStatement is the statement of the project created by the OD teachers.

  • Report is the final report delivered by the students in LearnSQL.


To execute the Python Notebook:

  1. Make sure to have py2neo installed (pip install py2neo).
  2. Introduce the graph credentials in the first notebook cell.
  3. Start Neo4j.
  4. Start a graph project.
  5. Run the notebook code.

To execute the algorithms offered by Neo4j:

  1. Locate the plugins folder and download the jar file corresponding to your Neo4j version. For instance, graph-algorithms-algo-
  2. Locate the neo4j.conf file and add the following line:*
  3. Restart Neo4j.

Execution process:

In order to execute the proof of concept, you have to follow the next steps:

  1. Clone this repository:

    $ git clone
  2. If you want to generate the integration process, open the Integration.R file run all the lines. The output will be stored in In data/transfers.csv. However, the .csv document is already generated and the result must not differ.

  3. Copy the data/transfers.csv into the Neo4j 'import' folder.

  4. In order to create the graph, open the GraphCreationQueries.ipynb and execute all the cells in order. To execute the cells you will to have install py2neo.

  5. Once created the graph execute the queries contained in the QueriesAlgorithms document in the Neo4j console. He have already executed the queries and algorithms, and the results are contained in the folder results