
List the installed packages and their dependencies

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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A utility to retrieve a list of installed Python packages and their dependencies.


pip install list-packages


pip install git+https://github.com/maurya-anand/py-list-packages.git

Example usage


After installing the package, you can run the list-packages command in the terminal to list all installed Python packages and their dependencies:



Package                 Dependency
setuptools==59.6.0      None
Jinja2==3.1.2           markupsafe>=2.0
requests==2.31.0        charset-normalizer<4,>=2,certifi>=2017.4.17,urllib3<3,>=1.21.1,idna<4,>=2.5

The output can also be obtained in json format by using the following command in the terminal

list_packages json

Python script/Notebook

To use list-packages in a Python notebook, you can import the list_packages module and call the list_installed_packages() function.

By default, the function returns a list of dictionaries containing package information. Each dictionary has the following keys:

  • package: Package name (str)
  • version: Package version (str)
  • depends: List of dictionaries containing package information (list)
from list_packages import list_installed_packages

installed_packages = list_installed_packages()


[{'setuptools': '59.6.0', 'depends': None},{'package': 'Jinja2', 'version': '3.1.2', 'depends': [{'package': 'markupsafe', 'version': '>=2.0'}]}]

If you want the output in JSON format, you can pass the format='json' parameter to the list_installed_packages() function. It will return a JSON-formatted string representing the list of installed packages.

from list_packages import list_installed_packages

installed_packages = list_installed_packages('json')


    "package": "setuptools",
    "version": "59.6.0",
    "depends": null
    "package": "Jinja2",
    "version": "3.1.2",
    "depends": [
        "package": "markupsafe",
        "version": ">=2.0"
